New Beginnings

In so many cases in past years as I put away the holiday decorations, I felt a sense of sadness.  The celebration, twinkling lights, sense of mystery and magic, and spending time with friends and family is over and long, cold, winter days and nights are ahead.

This year feels different, I have a sense of excitement for what’s ahead.  As I am approaching age 60, I have been considering what I am calling “my last third.”  Consciously reviewing where and how am I called to spend my time, energy, and gifts. Last Fall, I made adjustments in my work life approach and created space for facilitating retreats, starting dream school, and more travel and adventure. What is your Soul calling to you?

I attended church service on Jan 1st and the priest referenced the Hero’s Journey archetype.   Described best by Joseph Campbell, the archetype is used in literature and movies quite frequently and follows the arch of the call to adventure, resistance to call, the unknown or abyss, fertile void (new awareness or Ah-ha’s), integration and return. It absolutely caught my attention as much of my life and work has been focused on “death and rebirth”, transitions, and struggling well. I have integrated the Hero’s Journey lens, personally and in my workshop and coaching partnering with those in transitions. What struck me most though is he started with New Beginnings.  I generally focus on the uninvited change, or the endings. The service was truly powerful for me that day as particularly validating of my recent inner experience.  What is your experience as you start your journey through 2023?

Although it is already February, new beginnings don’t need to be anchored to the first of the year. Give yourself grace and start now.

During a recent group mediation, the leader shared a New Year’s card she received from a friend this year.  She read each word silently to the group before we began. At first I noticed a resistance to re..I just want to finally go forward! And as I opened and let each word sink in, many began to resonate as I pondered the possibilities of this New Year…Restart, Reimagine, Recreate…

What words resonate for you?

I look forward to all this year holds in store for each of us and what is possible.