Personal Power and Consciously Creating Your Next Chapter

“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson


"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." 

--C. G. Jung

 Personal power (or “personal authority” as I hear it so often referred) is a topic that holds significance for me as I navigate my current age and stage of life, and also work with clients during these transitions. As I move into my “last third”, what I affectionately call this stage of life, and attempt to “consciously create the next chapter”, I am noticing the ingredients of personal power are so important. The main points that have really spoken to me lately are to confidently and creatively discern vision and step out in courage to take action. I have found so many of the key ingredients of personal power, such as identifying values, needs, gifts; doing our healing work; becoming familiar with limiting beliefs that can keep us stuck and spinning; and befriending our emotions, are critical to inform mindful choices and titrate the anxiety of change and transition.

 So what is Personal Power?

Simply, personal power comes from within, an intention towards self-awareness and consciously creating our life in alignment with one’s values, needs, and gifts.  Authenticity is a key ingredient and allows for greater confidence, healthier relationships, and greater purpose. 

 What is important for you about this topic?

 What Gets in the Way?

·       Childhood experiences with important others around unhealthy power, authority, autonomy, and resulting beliefs.

·       FEAR of being judged, making a mistake, being embarrassed, not meeting up to others’ expectations. Confusion about which direction to go.

·       Doubt in our ability to be successful or if believe we are worthy.  

·       Reflecting on authenticity - Misalignment of how we are living; value/needs conflict with our choice of job, work environment, important relationships, where we live, how we worship/spirituality. 

 What Gets in the Way for you?

 Start Close in by David Whyte

He says:

Start right now,

take a small step you can call your own,

don't follow someone else's heroics,

be humble and focused,

start close in,

don't mistake that other for your own.

 What is an action you will take in your life to ignite your personal power?

 Harness your Personal Power

As you tap into your personal power, you’ll discover extraordinary capabilities within that can fuel vision, confidence, and crafting a life of purpose, fulfillment and success. It’s yours for the (re)awakening!

 Please join me at the Wild Goose Festival at Hot Springs Campground on July 14th for a tabletop conversation about personal power, what it is, why important and elements to ignite. I look forward to seeing you!