Imagine the Possibilities

A grief counselor shared the word “Wonderlust” with me last winter. This word meaning a desire for wonder, awe, discover the new and unknown. It surprised me and it did not immediately resonate as I was in the midst of grieving the loss of my Mom, working hand-in-hand with my sister to honor Mom’s wishes, traveling back and forth to the place I was raised, and walking through all that goes along with this deeply painful journey. 

So how does this story of loss relate to Wonderlust and possibilities? 

Through processing this most painful loss, it opened up space to remember, to heal, and to wonder.  To be curious of what could be.  I loved the word “Wonderlust” as it gave me permission to dream and explore of what I knew to be an imperfect, circuitous path. 


Pain pushes, until the vision pulls

Dr. Michael Beckwith, thought leader, believes pain, while difficult to endure, serves a purpose, pushing us to move forward or to take a step back, ultimately opening to more spaciousness and possibility in our lives.


Nobody can give you a vision of what path you’ll choose or end up traveling, but here are some ideas to begin imagining:

Look within you.  What do you feel passionate about? What is your soul calling to you?

Look behind you. What have you learned?

Look around you. Who belongs in your vision?

Look ahead of you. What circumstances, meetings, concerns lay ahead that could be opportunities? What synchronicities are you noticing?

Look beside you. What resources are available to you?