Spring is Here!

Trees and shrubs are budding, the perennials in the front garden are beginning to reemerge. In the Christian calendar, it is the season of Lent and Easter, a time of resurrection and new life. Spring time is a time for renewal and growth. All that has been lying dormant below the surface during winter is ready to emerge with the promise of wonder and possibility.  


I am in a book group and we are reading John Donohue’s Anam Cara, A Book of Celtic Wisdom. Celtic Spirituality is very much grounded in nature and Donohue’s words resonate as he describes the springtime of our souls; “At the heart of Spring is a great inner longing.  It is a time when desire and memory stir toward each other. Consequently, springtime in your soul is a wonderful time to undertake some new adventure, some new project, or to make some important changes in your life. You can make difficult transitions very naturally in an unforced and spontaneous way.”


What is stirring in your soul and longing to emerge?


I’ve prepared a guided imagery video to help lead you towards envisioning your future self. As you follow my direction throughout the video, this is your chance to find and focus in on goals or changes you’d like to tackle. Maybe it’s something small like a new hobby or maybe it’s a big life change that you haven’t let yourself truly think about until now. It can be a powerful tool to contemplate your personal vision and to begin to align decision-making and goal setting with your desires and purpose.